Lighting up your Home: The Orange Peel Lamp


Are you looking for a unique and eco-friendly way to light up your home? Look no further than the orange peel lamp. This innovative lamp is not only sustainable, but it also adds a touch of warmth and brightness to any room.

What is an orange peel lamp?

An orange peel lamp is a DIY lamp made from discarded orange peels. The orange peels are carefully cleaned and dried before being cut into various shapes, such as squares or circles.

The lamp is created by placing a LED light source inside the orange peel, and then wrapping the peel around a glass jar. The light shines through the peel, creating a beautiful and natural glow.

Why use an orange peel lamp?

There are several reasons why an orange peel lamp is a great addition to any home:


The orange peel lamp is an eco-friendly option for lighting up your home. By using discarded orange peels, you are reducing waste and giving new life to something that would otherwise be thrown away.


The materials for creating an orange peel lamp are inexpensive and readily available. All you need are orange peels, LED lights, and glass jars.

The natural glow of the orange peel lamp adds warmth and character to any room. It creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere that is perfect for relaxing or entertaining.

How to make an orange peel lamp

Making an orange peel lamp is a fun and easy DIY project. Here’s what you’ll need:

– Orange peels
– LED lights
– Glass jars
– Scissors

1. Cut the orange peels into desired shapes, such as squares or circles.
2. Clean and dry the orange peels.
3. Wrap the orange peels around the glass jar, cutting off any excess.
4. Insert the LED lights into the jar.
5. Turn on the lights and enjoy your new orange peel lamp!


The orange peel lamp is a unique and eco-friendly option for lighting up your home. By repurposing discarded orange peels, you can create a beautiful and natural glow that adds warmth and character to any room. So why not give it a try and make your own orange peel lamp today?

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